令和4 年度 家計急変学生に対する本学独自の『緊急学生支援金』貸与の実施 Lending of our original “Emergency Student Support Loan” for students whose family budget has suddenly changed in 2022


令和4年度 家計急変学生に対する本学独自の『緊急学生支援金』貸与の実施





? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 記

〇 貸与申請期間:令和4年4月1日(金)から6月30日(木)まで

〇 支援内容:学生1人あたり、月額5万円

※ 家計状況?使途は不問,保証人?利息は不用です。
※ 令和2年度,令和3年度に貸与を受けた学生も申請できます。
※ 貸与を希望する月ごとに申請が必要です。
※ 入力内容の確認?入金手続き等が出来次第,迅速に「本学に登録済みの授業料引落口座」へ入金します。
※ 入学者(学内進学者を除く)が4月及び5月に申請した場合は,口座登録手続きに時間を要するため,5月下旬に一括して入金します。

※ 申請方法等の詳細については本学Webサイトで確認してください。


金沢大学 学務部学生支援課 緊急学生支援金担当
E-mail: kinkyugakuseishien2020@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp


Lending of our original “Emergency Student Support Loan” for students

whose family budget has suddenly changed in 2022


In order to contribute to the improvement of the lives of students whose family budget has suddenly changed by the spread of COVID-19, lending of our original “Emergency Student Support Loan” offered in 2020 and 2021 is to be continued in 2022 as follows.

However, with regard to the loan in 2022, we will not carry out the “exemption of the loan amount to students who pledge to repay the loan in a short term before starting repayment”. The repayment should be made during the enrollment period in principle.

We will continue to provide support in accordance with the situation so that students can live safe and secure lives.


? Application period for loan: Friday, April 1, 2022 to Thursday, June 30, 2022

? Support info: A monthly loan of 50,000 yen per student

*Household financial situation and purpose of use are not required. No guarantor or interest is required.
*Students who were loaned in 2020 and 2021 can also apply for it.
*You need to apply for each month you wish to use this loan.
*As soon as we confirm the contents of the entry and we complete the payment procedure, we will make a payment to your bank account registered with the University as a transfer account for tuition fees.
* If admitted students (excluding those who enter on-campus schools) apply in April or May, they will be credited in a lump sum in late May due to the time required to complete the account registration process.

*Please check the details of the application procedure on our website.
Top of Kanazawa University website→Student Life→Financial Support→Scholarships, Various Benefits and Loans, etc.→Kanazawa University’s unique support system→Kanazawa University Emergency Student Support Loan


Kanazawa University, Student Support Division, Faculty of Academic Affairs, Emergency Student Support Fund
E-mail: kinkyugakuseishien2020@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

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