

 2月29日,中国?湖南大学岳麓書院より陳 仁仁(ちん?じんじん)副院長ら一行が来学し,和田隆志学長を表敬訪問しました。
 今回の表敬は,31日より本学資料館展示室で開催される「秦風漢韻 陳松長 朱永霊書道二人展」に合わせて行われたもので,表敬では同書道展および湖南大学における岳麓書院の役割について説明がありました。

Delegation from Yuelu Academy, Hunan University paid a courtesy visit to President Wada

 On February 29, Vice President Chen Renren and a delegation from Yuelu Academy, Hunan University, China, paid a courtesy visit to President Takashi Wada.
 The courtesy visit was coordinated with the exhibition called “’Qin Feng Han Yun’: Chinese Calligraphy Duo Exhibition by Chen Songchang and Zhu Yongling” scheduled from March 1 in the exhibition room of the University Museum. During the courtesy call, the details of the exhibition and the role of the Academy within Hunan University were explained
 Since calligraphy is a part of Japanese culture and is also very familiar to the students of our university, there was a remark to express delight at the exchange achieved through this calligraphy exhibition.
 A faculty member of our university and the professors of Yuelu Academy have established a close friendship for several years already, and it was agreed to further deepen the exchange and cooperation in the future.

  • 左から:陳仁仁副院長,陳松長教授,和田学長,朱永霊氏
  • 湖南大学岳麗書院一行と和田学長
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